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Equipment Submission Form

Your Information

We take all kinds of equipment!
So anything in your printshop of value is up for consideration!

<<< Please fill out the form
and look forward to hearing
back from us soon!

Equipment Submission Form

Your Information

Equipment  Information

Select Images (Max 10, 25MB Each)

Thanks for


We take all kinds of equipment!
So anything in your printshop of value is up for consideration!

<<< Please fill out the form
and look forward to hearing
back from us soon!

let mediaURLLoop = 0
let fileUploaded = false

$w.onReady(function () {


export function uploadMediaFilesObject_change(event) {
if ($w("#uploadMediaFilesObject").value.length > 0) {
fileUploaded = false
} else {

export function uploadMediaButton_click(event) {
.then((uploadedFiles) => {
uploadedFiles.forEach(uploadedFile => {
const currentURLBox = `#inputMediaURL${mediaURLLoop}`;

$w(currentURLBox).value += "" + uploadedFile.fileName
console.log('File url:', "" + uploadedFile.fileName);
mediaURLLoop += 1
.catch((uploadError) => {
let errCode = uploadError.errorCode; // 7751
let errDesc = uploadError.errorDescription; // "Error description"

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