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Graphic Whizard GW12000

Graphic Whizard GW12000

SKU: 1403058

Featuring the same benefits as the GW8000P, the GW12000 adds higher production speeds of 12000 sph and a built-in register board for maintaining registration and accuracy. The GW12000 comes standard with 1 numbering head with pneumatic drive unit (add up to 3 more), 1 accessory holder with 1 12 TPI perforating wheel and 1 score wheel.



  • 12,000 standard-size sheets per hour
  • 100-job memory to store numbering jobs
  • Up to 100 numbering positions per head per sheet
  • 1-4 PNEUMATIC numbering heads
  • Heads rotate & lock throughout 360 degrees for perfect register
  • 30 inch-long register board for easy set up & perfect register
  • Floor model on castors; doesn’t need dedicated floor/table space
  • Crash number up to 10-part sets
  • Feed sets from the unglued or glued side
  • Create “snap sets” while numbering
  • Ability to control depth of each perf/score/slit independently
  • Accurate .010″ register
  • Microprocessor controlled with forward & backward stepping for easy programming